ideas to make money from your smartphone quickly

i need money now

        May be one day you've asked yourself, How can to make money from mobile apps if I need money now? There's a huge  remarkable number for advertising networks for mobile ads, offering a great variety to monetize models to help developers maximize the revenue of their mobile app.

You could be a beginner or a professional android apps developer working on high advanced mobile apps, on the other hand, may be you've a website and aiming to create an app for it to get more audience and make more money from your website and your android  app alike . 

               Both of them,beginners and professionals apps developers have the opportunities and the same chances to make money because android is the most popular platform,at the same moment, the android app will be a big advantage for your website. So ,your first step if you need money now is to create an android app, for your website or for fun, both will help you to make much money. Easily go and read our article  Create your own android app online for free  to start your first step now.

               Actually,your first question will be like this, I need money now, but i'm not a beginner or a professional android apps developer ,how to create and make money from an android app for free?   
                 The answer is more simpler than you think,I'll show you that there are many mobile platforms available to help you build an app quickly for free, and with no coding knowledge required,let's see together how to create and make money from an android app online for free .


i need money now
How To Use InMobi
The Inmobi Ad-tracker  offers UDID-less tracking for mobile apps,
 conversions and event tracking.Although this company originates from India,
 its trying to conquer all the international mobile advertising market ,
so when you study it's results you can find that
 this company reached 93.4 billion impressions in 165 countries with 578 million consumers 
and the number  goes up everyday.
The following are some of the advantages of this company:-
  1. HTML 5 rich media ad-creation platform
  2. Free adtracking to analyse post-click conversions across multiple networks
  3. Free SDK for iOS and Android
As we see,this InMobi advertising network is considerable as the first choice
 the developer that desires successful and reachable monetize  give high revenues. 

ideas to make money from your smartphone quickly
review about millennial media
The first mobile advertising network that clearly knows how to do business, and offers lots of grand deals for developers ranging from top mobile gaming companies.It help you to allocate traffic across the networks by percentage, location, and ad revenue based on eCPM. The House Ads also helps you to cross-promote your lines of apps inside your own application. 
  1. Range of advertising options across all device types and OS platforms, including mobile video, 360 degree views and interstitial/banner ads
  2. Deep targeting options including demographic, behavioural and location
  3. Full suite of monetization and advertising tools available for developers
 With this network you're able to create a client campaign that lets advertisers compete for your inventory within the rich category  of  all transactions are reported inside its well arranged dashboard because it's mission is making mobile simple for the world’s top brands, app developers, and mobile web publishers. 


i need money now
how to use ChartBoost
Chartboost help you with it's various creative solutions that are bent on heavy promotion and they are all done in a professional sense. They also optimize your eCPM while advertisers increase their bids to pump out the revenue number you will really like to see.
ChartBoost solutions work by giving developers a platform to sell advertising space to each other across their apps, allowing them to set their own terms and pricing. ChartBoost also allows single developers to freely cross-promote their own apps internally, as well as sign-up to a more traditional paid ad network model.

  1. Access impressions, clicks, installs, money earned/spent in daily and hourly reports to measure results of campaigns
  2. Set CPC/CPI bids, and define daily budgets
  3. Establish partnerships with other publishers to and cross-promote apps and mobile sites for free.

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